Efficiency of the “One Recycle Garbage Collection Vehicle Per Branch” Model in Quảng Nam
The program initiated by the Women’s Union of Dien Ban Town has attracted many participants. This has contributed to enhancing environmental protection, creating a green, clean, and beautiful urban landscape, and promoting a civilized way of life.
Selected as a pilot model by the Women’s Union of Dien Ban Town, the women’s unions in Vinh Dien Ward have adopted the “”One Women’s Union, One Recycling Waste Collection Vehicle”” model. Instead of collecting fixed waste at cultural centers in the blocks, they now go to each household to collect waste while also intensifying the dissemination of waste sorting at the source.
The mobile waste collection vehicles are divided into 3 compartments for convenient recycling of waste into 3 types: plastic bottles, cans, and various paper waste. Additionally, there is a small compartment on the vehicle for collecting hazardous waste to facilitate proper sorting and disposal.
Ms. Đỗ Thị Luận, Chairwoman of the Women’s Union of Vinh Dien Ward, stated that there are currently 6 mobile waste collection vehicles in the ward, with 5 vehicles belonging to block women’s unions and 1 vehicle belonging to the Vinh Dien Market women’s union.
On a weekly basis, these carts bearing the words “”Recycling Waste Collection”” are moved by ward women’s union members along routes and residential areas to collect domestic waste. The waste collection schedule is announced in advance to residents through social media platforms such as Facebook, Zalo, and loudspeakers. This allows residents to prepare and gather waste for easy collection by women’s union members.
The mobile waste recycling collection model implemented by the Women’s Union of Vinh Dien Ward has received positive responses and active participation from the community. Ms. Phạm Dương Hồng Vân, a proactive member of Block 5, said: “”This is a very meaningful activity for us women in the ward. I feel delighted to contribute to building a green, clean, and beautiful environmental landscape.””
After each recycling collection trip, the women’s unions gather at the cultural centers in the blocks to count and sell the collected items directly to buyers. The proceeds from these sales contribute to a fund that supports individuals facing special difficulties in the ward.
Ms. Đỗ Thị Luận mentioned that after promoting and mobilizing the community, residents now understand the significance of this model and enthusiastically support it. Many families even save recyclable materials in anticipation of the women’s union’s collection, encouraging and fostering the spirit of women’s union members. Thanks to this, in the recent 10 recycling trips, the model has raised nearly 5 million VND in funds.
Ms. Lê Thị Ngọc Diệp from Block 3 in Vinh Dien Ward shared: “”The work of the women in the ward may be small, but it is very useful for society, contributing to environmental protection and helping those in difficult circumstances. Therefore, I strongly support it and encourage acquaintances to join the Women’s Union of Vinh Dien Ward.””
The image of the blue carts bearing the words “”Recycling Waste Collection”” and the radiant smiles on the faces of women’s union members as they move along the streets have left a positive impression on the residents.
The “”One Women’s Union, One Recycling Waste Collection Vehicle”” model has contributed to raising awareness of life protection and urban aesthetics. Furthermore, it has built a source of funds for the mutual support movement to help those in difficult circumstances.
(Source: moitruong.net.vn)
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